Gentle BeMoved is a workshop for BeMoved instructors interested in adapting BeMoved's method for participants with limited physical mobility due to age, health, or injury. All attendees must be certified in the Methodology of BeMoved.

Gentle BeMoved attendees will learn the modified class structure, alternative teaching techniques, and the core principles that address the unique challenges of delivering an authentic BeMoved Dance Fitness experience to individuals of diverse physical and intellectual capacities. Attendees will receive:

1. On-Line Certification course $400

2. Gentle Digital Studio Instructor monthly subscription

3. Gentle BeMoved License is included in the Gentle BeMoved Instructor Digital Studio subscription fee of $19.95 per month.

4. The Gentle BeMoved Instructor’s Manual which contains: The Gentle BeMoved Philosophy & Methodology and explanations of Gentle BeMoved’s teaching skills & techniques

5. Gentle BeMoved class design, structure and flow: The ultimate guide to your Gentle BeMoved class

6. Step-by-Step Choreography Syllabus for Gentle BeMoved's Warmup & Cool Down

7. Step-by-step Gentle BeMoved Choreography Syllabus for 1 musical genre combination

8. Certification course includes 1 Gentle BeMoved genre and access to the 1 instructor Vimeo (video) showcasing the genre. all remaining Gentle Genres will be accessible via the Gentle Digital Studio.

9. Access to the online support community of instructors who are also a resource to your continued success.


BeMoved Instructor Teams and Conditions

BeMoved Policies and Expectations


Your access to the Gentle BeMoved training materials commences upon registration, which includes the Online Certification Course is for a period of three months.  The pace of training will be dictated by the time you have available to devote to the coursework and how quickly you are able to learn the movement sequences and choreography.

To complete the Online Certification Course and be considered for licensure as a Certified Gentle BeMoved Instructor, applicants must submit a video of themselves teaching a Gentle BeMoved class for review by founder Sherry Zunker (applicants do not need participants to participate in the class Video submission). Ms. Zunker will evaluate your BeMoved class submission according to the following three criteria:

1. Execution of movement (steps, style, and technique);

2. Musicality

3. Cueing and instruction

When Ms. Zunker finds that the submission meets all the criteria listed above, you will be licensed as a Certified BeMoved Instructor.

With this certification, you will also gain:

1. Personalized feedback from Sherry Zunker regarding teaching techniques via live video chat, as well as a written evaluation.

2. Social Media Access to the BeMoved Instructor private group community.

3. Access to all seven Gentle BeMoved genres, genre tutorial videos, Syllabi, and BeMoved class Playlists on the BeMoved Gentle Instructor Digital Studio, which includes an active “USE” of BeMoved® Products and Materials, Instructor Terms and Conditions Agreement, BeMoved Policies and Procedures, Trademark and Copyright License.

Instructors will be required to maintain their BeMoved Methodology Digital Studio subscription for their entire Methodology career. Subscription cancellation will deactivate the instructor’s teaching "License and Use" of BeMoved Instructor permissions.

In Summary

After your one time payment for the Gentle BeMoved Certification course; your Gentle BeMoved Instructor license remains active by way of two monthly subscription fees.

1. The Gentle BeMoved Instructor Digital Studio  (current pricing is in US$19.95/monthly) AND

2. continued education, recertification mandates remain fulfilled by current and active membership to (current pricing $19.95US/month) subscriptions. Subscription cancellation will deactivate the Instructor's teaching "License and Use" of BeMoved Instructor permissions. Recertification is required of all Certified BeMoved Instructors every 2 years. Currently, recertification requirements are fulfilled by membership to and active use of the Digital Studio. Recertification requirements are subject to change as in-person training opportunities become possible again.

Terms and Conditions + Policies and Expectations